Thursday, July 24, 2008

Up In Gulls... Shelf

     So I found this small Shelf (16" x 12" x 26) Wet and in the Garbage a block away from my apartment. I am not usually a Garbage picker... most of the time I will pass by  the unwanted "treasures" and rattle off a list of reasons in my head why It's not worth it.
   Not this time, I brought it home let it dry off, slapped a couple of coats of paint and added the Pixel Gulls from the "Up In Gulls" piece I did a couple of weeks ago.
I definitely needed a nice book/dvd/dresser for my apt but something on the smaller side so this worked out perfect.
  Have a good weekend! oh and.... the Mets beat the Phillies!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Art Cards

Hey All,
Though I grew up in a very musical home - thanks to my dad, who I can't thank enough for introducing me to some classic records at a very early age. I definitely got the Creative, problem solving, Sense for design from my Mom.

    Growing up I remember these charcoal pencil portraits of me, my brother, and my sister hanging in my parents room and how realistic they looked. I actually remember numerous times throughout my childhood where I would avoid their room because of how creeped out I was that it seemed like they were looking back. As I became older I became more interested in the portraits. I guess it was the fact that they were the first photo realistic non-photographed portrait I had ever seen. I never really asked or said anything about the portraits as a kid but I remember always becoming frustrated when I Couldn't recreate the same realness when I tried drawing people.

.....So years later I find out that my mom had done the portraits, and  that she painted and drew quite a bit before being tied down to changing my diapers, punishing me and putting soap in my mouth :) thanks mom. 

        Now that my brother is on his own with a Wifey and a place in Boston I'm in my own place in Washington Heights,NY and my Sister has her schedule full between Training to becoming a nurse at School and actually being one at her job seems my  Mom has picked up her brush where she had left it.

        My Mom has now had her work in numerous Galleries and was in need of some schpancy art business cards (which is where I come in.)

    They were really easy to put together. My mom really wanted it to seem like she was handing out a smaller piece of her art, and  I thought it be nice to zoom in on the detail of brush strokes and the bleeding of colors as the back side.

     I obviously did them because 1.she needed them 2. I'm her son, and repay her for her creative German senses, but She being a mom insisted on treating me to canvases, So I am expecting 6 new 30x 40 canvases to come sometime next week... life is good.

Visit my moms art Blog at



Hey so I was walking home the other night from a friends apartment and without fail when going through the turnstyle at any given time their will be atleast 25 - 30 Metrocards on the ground. I decided to collect them and I have been thinking of cool things I could do with them, I researched some origami sites but couldnt find anything that would work since the cards are so difficult to fold. 

     Then last night when ordering a sandwhich my favorite Wallet decided to call it quits and basically fell apart in my hands. I came home and searched online to see if I could find the same wallet but couldn't find it. That's when the light bulb went off, Metrocard Wallets, they spend most of their life in one now they can be one. This is a simple wallet and took 22 Metrocards to make I will see how it holds up. 

*For those who are wondering I had to heat up the needle with a candle and then melt through the plastic in order to sew it together, and yes... it did smell awful.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Say Ahh!

Hey peoples, 
I posted the Ghosts Desktop Wallpaper last week while I was working on this piece. Say Ahh! is the newest installment to my Painting Pixels Series and like when finishing the other pieces my eyes are a little fuzzy (not like tennis balls.. fuzzy, more like my grandma has some schmutz on her glasses ...fuzzy.) I really hope I am not doing an damage to them . I am going to take a little time off until the next one but will post the progress on here while I am working on it.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008


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So like most designers every morning when I wake up I have my routine of checking my Mail first and then my art blogs before I hop in the shower and start my day.  But there are some I skim through quickly and some that are a little more important to me. The website Kitsunenoir ( is a blog published by a Designer named Bobby Solomon. It was this blog that really got me to want to start a one of my own. 

I first discovered it when I was having trouble getting High Res Wallpaper for a 24" Monitor. Bobby started a section on his blog that he updates monthly of some of his favorite artists styles into High-Res Wallpaper (Now you know where I got the idea from). 

Last week Bobby decided to make this section interactive and a contest in which his readers (mostly artists) can Participate and win some cool Messenger Bag's and T-shirts.
Every Month He will post a Theme and some basic rules and the reader has a month to send in their artwork.  Three Wallpapers will be chosen and able for Download.

This Month's theme is Ghosts! And Since I am on a Halftone Kick I decided to play with some ideas, I just changed the negative and Positive dots into little Pac-Man Ghosts, Happy and Sad.

I'd like to explore color options before I submit. I will post the high res version once it is finished.


Stick to Cheesesteaks!

So the Mets are on a bit of a streak which makes me pretty excited. Another Year and another Battle between our rivals the Philadelphia Phillies. Only 2 more weeks until we face them again. Last time I went we saw two Fights on the Train one on the Way back and two ejections of Phillies fans in our section alone.I think it's safe to say the Phillies are our Boston Redsox. So Anyway I thought it be funny to make some T-Shirts for the series.